Isaiah 58:9a — Seeking Saturday

Disclaimer: The content of this post may not reflect the current theological views of the author.

Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am.

Isaiah 58:9a (KJV)

“God, I left you. I am sorry. Please reveal yourself to me again.” When we are lost in sin, we are separated from God, and He does not hear us. If we are in times of struggle, sometimes it is hard to believe that God is still there. No matter what happens, there are times when we need to call upon God.

God promises that His Word will never return void. He says that when we shall call upon Him, we will find Him. So if you are not doing well and feeling down, call upon God. I guarantee you will find Him because the Bible says so. God will always give an answer in a way of some sort.

How do you get a reply? Simply ask God for forgiveness of any sins you may have committed, and You will receive an answer from the King.

Today, I encourage to seek for the King. Call out to God, and ask forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive an answer from God.

Enjoy your Saturday! Have a blessed day!


Jeremiah Yonemura


  • Jeremiah Yonemura

    I grew up in a Christian home, but I never really came to know the Lord until I was twelve years old. As I’ve matured, the Lord has sanctified me in Him by His grace, allowing me to better glorify and honor Him. In middle and high school, I discovered my interest in essays and informational writing. As a Christian, I took my love for God and my love writing and squeezed them together into blog posts on my blog, which has turned into what is now the Truth and Love Ministries (TLM) Blog. When I was assigned to create a YouTube video for my Old Testament final in high school, I learned about my revived love for creating YouTube content. The next summer, the videos and the blog posts would turn my YouTube channel into an extension of the blog and TLM. Since then, I have continued to grow in the Lord and His Word, and as a student at The Master’s University, I am continually learning in my Bible classes about the greatness, deepness, and perfection of God Word. I hope to one day use the bachelors in Marketing Media that I am pursuing to share the the profoundness of God’s special revelation to His people.

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